I like a metal rake, not the plastic ones
that my brother likes.
although it is missing much!
Today, I have a new love!
When Todd and I were very small, my mom
noticed that each of us would pout at each other's birthdays
Seemed we wanted a present, too.
She decided to start something to help us with the
selfish 'ME MEs' on our birthdays.
The birthday person at our house,
gives a gift to the other family members.
This has been a lot of fun for us,
and has taught us to enjoy giving to others.
It is funny sometimes to hear one of us say,
"I have to get ( someone's name) something for my birthday."
It works here!
Birthdays are very special in our family.
Aimée Noelle
It's good to get a rake with all its parts! :)
I raked today using a plastic rake with a metal handle. Should have worn gloves but didn't and so now I have nasty blisters on both hands. Ouch!
I like your birthday tradition that is a very good idea!
Oh, Marie, those raking induced blisters!! OWIE!! I have raked so much that I have calluses! LOL
Mom says it was my pouty face when I was not yet 3, and it was Todd's 7th birthday that she started our family tradition. I don't remember ever not doing it! It has always been a highlight of my birthday to go shopping for my family. It doesn't have to be something big, just something that person can use or enjoy. I think Todd and I have matured in our choices over the years. Todd got mom a set of cordless headphones, so she can listen to CD's or DVD's on her computer while she sews, and yet still move around without being tethered.
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