2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
This is a verse that I have heard often in the last three years, but it is one that is well worth remembering. God has given us His Word to be able to know Him through it. We need to take the time not only to read it, but also to heed this verse and study His Word.
For three years, I have been studying the Bible at the Deland School of the Bible and while officially I graduated on December 18th, the aspect of studying the Bible is still necessary and important in my life. The command to study is one that has no end because there is always more to learn so that we can rightly divide God’s word.
One of the things I learned in my first semester, and was impressed on me again this last semester, is that there is so much in the Bible. If we just read the pages of God’s Word, we can learn so many things, but when you see how verses in the Old and New Testaments work together to explain a truth it is amazing. It is remarkable to see all the prophecies that God promised concerning Jesus, his birth, life and death, in the Old Testament and then to see the verses regarding their fulfillment in the New Testament. How throughout the Old and New Testaments there are truths regarding the second coming and the tribulation. The Bible is an amazing book inspired by an amazing God! I am grateful to Bro. James and the other men who willingly give of their time to teach the Bible, they are all a blessing.
Outside of class time, I greatly enjoyed being able to participate in the outreach activities of the Church. Whether it was passing out tracts at races, football games, or parades, distributing booklets door to door, a mission trip to Trinidad, going to the nursing homes they have all been a great learning experience and wonderful times of fellowship with others who participated.
The past three years have been a wonderful time of learning for me. The tests were not always easy, studying was hard at times, but I have learned many things that will help me as I strive to serve the LORD.

Bro James about to hand me the dipolma
Wade, Bro James, Todd, and me.
I am all done for now....
New opportunites to serve the LORD await....
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