My parents bought annual passes for all of us to go to SEA WORLD. For many years we had passes, but the last couple of years we have found ourselves very busy and not able to go as often. My brother, Bear, loves Sea World, he was very excited when mom and I found a deal on Annual passes for Florida residents.
Mom is still recovering from surgery, but an afternoon at Sea World in a wheelchair appealed to her. We went on Christmas Eve, intending to only stay a few hours...but we stayed until the park nearly closed. It wasn't very crowded, and we got to check out all the changes that had been made in the last 2 years at the park. Plus, we had some delicious cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate to warm us up at the end of the day there.

Bear had been wanting to ride KRAKEN. (the tallest, fastest, floorless looping rollercoaster in Central Florida) Todd and I had rode KRAKEN the first month it was open. Mom didn't 'warn' us about roller coasters, and this one was our first ever. Dad rode with us, mom stayed with Bear who was just an infant in the stoller. When we got off KRAKEN, mom says I was smiling, but that Todd was green. He didn't like KRAKEN at all, and declared he would NEVER ride again.
This year, Bear really wanted to ride, and mom really wanted a picture of the 3 of us riding KRAKEN together.....and so Todd rode. :) Here we are BEFORE riding....

A picture mom took of us GOING UP on KRAKEN.....

After taking all the loops and corkscrews, I am still smiling. Bear enjoyed it, although I think it took him by surprise, he will ride it again. Todd is fairly certain he won't ever BEG to ride KRAKEN. Mom says he wasn't GREEN when he got off this time, and we didn't have to sit and wait for him by the trashcans! ;)

I was taking some pictures of a bird and sea lion that were posing for me.

This sea lion was VERY VERY LOUD. :)
We had a very nice time, and were planning to return this week. But one by one we have come down with the FLU here..... and so our next trip to Sea World will be in a couple weeks.
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