Tuesday Thoughts
Bear and I have hamsters. He has a Teddy Bear hamster named, what else, TEDDY BEAR. My hamster was named Lady Josephine, or JO for short. Last week, Jo died. This week, my mom and Bear went to get me a new one. When they went to our pet store, there was only 1 female to pick from. Mom was glad about that, she was dreading having to choose just 1. Mom was tickled that the only female happened to be a long haired golden hamster, or as mom said, "SHE IS BLONDE". :) Bear and mom named her......
I like that name for her.We will call her ROSIE for short.She is 6 weeks old.
Mom says she is very docile and soft, and likes to be held. I think she is cute!!
Aimée Noelle
Oh, she is sooooo cute!!
Neat medieval times picture!
Thank you, Marie! I think she will be a lot of fun to play with. I was missing hearing JO run in her wheel at night. Hopefully, Rosie, will make up for that!
Medieval Times is one of our family's favorite places to go. We go at least once a year.
I am off to school, only a couple more weeks left until September.
Aimée Noelle
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