Monday, May 25, 2009

Semester 1 done

Todd and I are exhausted!
We have completed our first semester.
We live 60 miles from school,
At times it was very tiring. To do lawn work all day,
and then go to school at night was a new challenge for us....

...but we are very thankful for GOD bringing this opportunity into our lives.
We are also very thankful....
for the men at Bible Baptist Church of DeLand
who gave of themselves and time away from their families
to teach a class or two,
for those that brought dinner for us from time to time after class,
for the church members at DeLand who encouraged us
with their words and by praying for us,
and for Pastor Knox's faithful study of the BIBLE
and desire to help
train others to serve GOD faithfully.
We will start it all over again in September!!
2 Timothy 2:15
STUDY to shew thyself approved unto GOD,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts

I know these pictures might appear as though I have free time on my hands. But, I really don't. I have 3 more final tests to end this semester, and I am studying hard. I help Todd with his lawn service during the day time. He has a lot of work.
There are times that I find to spend with Bear. I was almost 9 when he was born. I am his 'sister-mother'. :) My mom found some workboot socks for Todd on sale recently. She bought all they had, which was a lot. They had been $9 for 2 paris, she got them for $1.20 for 2 pairs. Todd has socks to share now! Here is what happens when we pulled the stickers off of the new socks. It was just one of 'those' days. :)

After church on Sunday nights, we usually go out to eat. We are a little over an hour from home. We have enjoyed going to FRIENDLY's in DeLand. The servers there are soooooo nice! Shelly is usually our server, we really enjoy her! Every one there is very nice, from the manager on down. It is fun to walk in and hear them say, "we have been waiting for you." Bear gets a sundae with his kid's meal. He lets Shelly pick which one, and what kind of ice cream, and what kind of toppings. He loves what she picks. This week she make him......
The CLOWN Sundae (cherry nose fell off for the picture). She picked mint chocolate chip, birthday cake and cookie dough ice cream. For the toppings she picked M&Ms, sprinkles, and pound cake bites. Bear was once again very happy with her selection! We will probably see Shelly, and the crew at Friendly's this coming Sundae night, also. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts

Bear and I have hamsters. He has a Teddy Bear hamster named, what else, TEDDY BEAR. My hamster was named Lady Josephine, or JO for short. Last week, Jo died. This week, my mom and Bear went to get me a new one. When they went to our pet store, there was only 1 female to pick from. Mom was glad about that, she was dreading having to choose just 1. Mom was tickled that the only female happened to be a long haired golden hamster, or as mom said, "SHE IS BLONDE". :) Bear and mom named her......

I like that name for her.
We will call her ROSIE for short.
She is 6 weeks old.
Mom says she is very docile and soft,
and likes to be held.
I think she is cute!!
Aimée Noelle

Friday, May 1, 2009

Todd's Birthday Trip

For Todd's Birthday trip this year, we headed north.
We stopped in Daytona and ate breakfast at
Our destination was
Only Bear was unaware of where we were going.
He was really trying hard to figure it out!

Heading to the entrance, excited about a day at the park!

We are looking at some alligators, and reading the park map.

Todd with some Gator eggs.

I wonder what we are going to find???

My mom loves flamingos!

A bird with an afro?

Bear and dad on a glass bottom boat.

The look from a glass bottom boat into the springs.
White AlligatorsI like the giraffes

We love turtles!
A BIG turtle.

A lazy Gator

Show me some teeth!

I didn't feed the gators!

A Florida Native, like me!!

Todd with another of the natives.

Bear and Todd with an albino
Burmese Python



Bear, Dad, and Todd

One of the glass bottom boats on the
Silver River.

Bear thinks this is all about HIM!

Todd on the JEEP ride.
Me and Bear

A Scottish cow called

A Kodiak Bear

The Kodiak Bear is a BIG Bear!

Todd's Birthday Trip

We shared a couple funnel cakes!
They were YUMMY!
My mom found this sign,
and had me hold it.
It really isn't all about ME.
That would be selfish!

Here we are leaving the park!
We had fun!
Aimée Noelle

Me and Bear

Todd picked Chili's for dinner.

A Birthday at our house

Tuesday, April 28th, was
my brother Todd's 23rd birthday.
We have been very busy here.
Instead of mom making him a cake,
she decided to let him pick on out
at Coldstone Creamery.
It was a very good cake!!
Happy Birthday, Todd!!
Aimée Noelle