Wednesday, April 4, 2012

James 4:14 
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.
For what is your life?
It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time,
and then vanisheth away.

The Bible says that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2) and the fact that life is but a vapour is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that He does indeed tell the truth.

 In the vapour of time given to each person alive on the earth, people are bombarded with choices. In March, the Bible Baptist Church had a Youth Rally and in the afternoon about 170 adults and youth joined in a 2-mile march down a busy stretch of road with smiles and signs, many of which proclaimed that the best choice is Jesus Christ. The many people who drove their vehicles by the marchers were reminded for a few brief moments that Jesus is the Best Choice that they can make. No one may ever know the affect the march had on people, but if one person was convicted to come to the right choice and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ it was well worth it.
There is no doubt in my mind that choosing Jesus Christ is the very best choice anyone could ever make. It was seven years ago when I finally came to this conclusion. When I was young I made a profession of being saved, was baptized and did not think anything more about it for some time.
Until one night at a church service the preacher was teaching on something regarding the church, (I have no idea what it was about) when he stopped near the end and mentioned that even in a meeting such as this, where the main focus was on strengthening the church, there could be someone there that was not saved. I remember those words clearly to this day. I knew at that moment, though he did not, that he was addressing me. The question was what would I do about it? I reasoned in my mind and did not want to have to admit that I had not been truly saved and so that night I made a decision and that was to wait and think about it more later.
For almost a year, I waited, until one night I read John 8:23-24. I cannot really explain what brought about the change of heart, but that night I made the best decision and trusted Jesus as my Saviour.

In 1 Samuel 26:21 King Saul says, “behold, I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly.” I played the fool for almost a year, more concerned with what people would think than receiving Jesus Christ as my Saviour and letting Him cover, remove, blot out, pardon, and remember no more my sins.
I believe God has a purpose for my life and it all started with showing me that I was a fool not to receive Him sooner. I believe this because I was born again, on April 1st, 2005, April Fools day.
The best choice I ever made was to Believe on Jesus Christ and I have never regretted it, not for a moment.

March For Jesus 2012
The whole group
 My brother Todd and me
 us again, Bob in front of us

 Even signs in Chinese that tell 
 how it looks from the road
 my brother Todd
 us with Laura and Ed
 look from the road
 we space ourselves out and walk
 another view