On Saturday, our church held its annual Youth Rally. Todd and I were able to spend the day up in DeLand helping. The rally started out with a morning session of preaching and some competitions. There were verses for the youth to memorize and be able to quote later in the day. We had a lunch of Pizza, and then took a 'walk', and had some more competitions. We were served a fried chicken supper, and afterwards there were more competitions, and some really good Bible preaching.
Everyone got a Tshirt.The girls got pink ones,
while the guys got brown ones.
The theme was "Are you ready?"If you are unsaved, are you ready to meet God?
If you are saved, are you ready to meet God?
(are you serving Him?)
Todd ran the sound booth for the day.
Getting ready for the visiting churches to arrive.
In the afternoon, we took a walk in DeLand.It is part of street preaching here. A road is picked,
and then we space out as we walk the route carrying signs.
There is the back of my shirt.....it was a nice day for a walk!
Downtown DeLand,(I am on the far right in my shades)
Played vollyball with the Big Ball
Girls vs. Guys
Then a game of adults vs. youth
Young men from our church singing.
Pastor Travis Alltop from Kentucky was the guest speaker.He was very good. He sang and preached.